My 6-year-old is driving my car!

My 6-year-old is driving my car!

We have all acquired certain beliefs about ourselves and the world around us. Many people struggle with understandingthe battle of “knowing” their parents love them, and yet deep beliefs of feeling unloved. It is too painful, almost impossible, for a young child to...

Am I an addict or alcoholic?

Am I an addict or alcoholic?

Have you asked yourself (or another person you care about) that question more than once?Are you concerned about your behavior, but not sure if your use has turned into abuse? please consider the questions below, they will help you identify if there is a problem that...

Five days in the life of an addict

Five days in the life of an addict

(A modified version of Autobiography by Portia Nelson) Day one I walk down the street There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in. I feel lost… I feel helpless. It isn’t my fault! I’m not responsible.  It takes forever to find the way out.  Day two I...

“Secrets keep you sick”

“Secrets keep you sick”

This is a common statement that is used in recovery, but do you know what it actually means, or why we say it? Secrets create the breading ground for shame. However, the more shame you hold, the more secrets you’ll keep the worse you feel about yourself. Eventually...

Why go to rehab?

Why go to rehab?

Its easy to have preconceived ideas, fears, and concerns about things we don’t know or understand. The unknown can seem scary, and we can get overwhelmed with doubts and worry.At a time when so much is already out of control, painful and chaotic, it is helpful to...

There is always hope 

There is always hope 

So often in addiction we lose hope that recovery is possible, every relapse feels like a failure, and we lose faith that things will ever change.  “Why can’t you just change, just make a decision, you just need to STOP!” How many times have we heard that, said...

Shame and guilt in addiction

Shame and guilt in addiction

People who are addicted to substances or certain behaviors suffer from terrible shame and guilt.  Shame and guilt from the way they behave, the damage and pain they inflict on their families and the people who love them, wanting and wishing that they could “just...

Recovery – walking a tight rope

Recovery – walking a tight rope

Every addiction arises from an unconscious refusal to face and move through your own pain. Every addiction starts with pain and ends with pain. Whatever the substance you are addicted to alcohol, food, legal or illegal drugs, or a person you are using something or...

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